Traveled by truck from Labrador to New Brunswick
On top of Student Services building, UNB-Fredericton
Looking over Campus towards the St. John River
Steph, sucking back at Franks Finer Diner!
Darlene a bit woozy :(
Moncton Hotel
Planning the next leg
Fundy National Park
HopeWell Rocks
Fundy Park
High Tide at HopeWell
The ladies
The gang
On the beach
Beach at Fundy
Enjoying the water
Watch out for the Lobster!
Rod and Steph
Parlee Beach
Heading towards PEI, notice the bridge in the background
Jason and Steph
Fisherman's Warf
Rod on the warf
Steph wondering why we stayed at UPEI
Cavindish Beach
Da Boys
Good Times
Lets get going
Steph happy to be leaving UPEI
PEI Ferry
Waiting to catch the PEI ferry
Road side taking a break
ZX-6R...not a great touring machine
On the steps
The name tells the place
Cabin we rented in the Annapolis Valley
Inside the Cabin
Bay of Fundy from the cabin
Bay of Fundy
Rod sitting around
Thinking or ...
The gang on the beach
In the cave
Darlene Solo
Through the trees
Find Waldo
The cabin
The way life is should always be
Best sunset ever
Digby welcomes Rod and Darlene
and Steph and Jason
beach outside of Yarmouth, NS
Religious bunch
On the rocks
The ocean breeze feels gooood
Boys from the Rock on the Rocks
Here clam,clam,clam
Yarmouth waterfront
Look boss da boats
Rod and Darlene
The group in Yarmouth
We have our priorities straight!
Darlene giving me the evil eye!
Leaving the hotel
Good times at Tims
Fire starter....inside joke
Rudy in Halifax
Our last group pic before Jason and Steph leave us
Getting directions on how to get out of Halifax
Wishing he was riding
Loading the bike for the trip home
Charlotte and Fred wishing me goodbye